Pharmacy Intern Program
The Rite Aid pharmacy internship program is designed to develop leadership skills for our pharmacy interns. Through the completion of the program, our interns will be well prepared to become successful future leaders of pharmacy. The internship begins with comprehensive eLearning modules which include training on our pharmacy computer system (NexGen), HIPAA, CIA and Rite Aid policies/procedures. Rite Aid community pharmacy practice experiences are comprehensive, structured experiences in conjunction with the colleges of pharmacy throughout the United States. Rite Aid works closely with pharmacy schools to provide meaningful, challenging and quality experiences in a community pharmacy setting. We offer various programs such as introductory, advanced, drug information and management pharmacy practice experiences.
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Clinical Services and Training
Diabetes And Other Health Conditions
Rite Aid is a visible leader in diabetes management. We’ve joined forces with the American Diabetes Association as a national strategic partner. Our pharmacists are trained to answer our diabetes patients’ questions and provide them with the individual guidance they value. Beyond diabetes, Rite Aid stakes a claim as a leader in other important health conditions, such as heart health and weight management. And our pharmacists receive training for each of these conditions, allowing them to serve patients like no one else.
Integrative Pharmacy
All Rite Aid Pharmacists not only are well versed in traditional therapies, but are provided continuous training on alternative/complementary therapies for whole being health. As Certified Integrative Pharmacy Specialists, our pharmacists sit in the perfect position to enhance their knowledge and practice on alternative/complementary medicine.

Leadership Training and Career Opportunities
Rite Aid has multiple programs and processes to invest in their associates. This involves operational and leadership training, residency, special projects, stretch assignments, mentorships and more! By developing our own talented people, Rite Aid can promote from within our company, providing a unique career path that won’t be found anywhere else. Keeping our interns and pharmacists engaged and challenged helps them grow into strong leaders and helps Rite Aid provide exceptional care to our communities—a WIN/WIN!